Sage Seeds - Broadleaf
(Salvia officinalis) 75 days to maturity. Perennial. Sage is a savoury herb that is used for flavouring meats, vegetables and soups. The plants grow 15 inches tall and have greyish...
Sage Seeds - Chinese Red-Rooted
(Salvia miltiorrhiza) Tender Perennial with extra care needed! Hardy in zones 9-10.Chinese Red-Rooted Sage is highly valued in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for its roots are often used to stimulate circulation,...
Sage Seeds - Meadow
(Salvia nemorosa) Perennial. Hardy to zone 5 Meadow Sage, also known as Woodland Sage or Balkan Clary, is a herbaceous perennial that belongs in every garden. Its grey-green leaves are...
Salpiglossis Seeds - Painted Tongue
(Salpiglossis sinuata) Annual. 100-110 days to maturity. Heirloom 1824.From Chile, these Painted Tongue flowers are true eye candy! This mix is filled with jewel tone blooms, from mauve, canary yellow, coral,...
Salsify Seeds - Mammoth Sandwich Island
(Tragopogon porrifolius) Biennial. Zone 6. 120 days. Heirloom seeds. White Salsify, also known as scorzobianca, is a popular European root vegetable which is eaten grated or cooked. It has grass like...
Salvia Seeds - Clary Sage
(Salvia sclarea) Biennial. Hardy in zones 4-9 Clary Sage offer up stunning pink and white and blue flowerstalks and has a pleasant aroma very reminiscent of balsam. The plant grows tall...
Sapphire Dragon Tree Seeds
(Paulownia fortunei) Perennial. Zones 7 - 10. (Can be grown as an annual outside this range) Native range—China. Sapphire Dragon Tree is valued for both its ornamental beauty and useful timber....
Scabiosa Seeds - Black Knight
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 90-100 days. Black Knight Scabiosa has been delighting onlookers since the early 1600's in England. These deep burgundy beauties are so versatile, we can't wait for you...
Scabiosa Seeds - Oxford Blue
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 95 days to maturity. Stunning, dahlia-like blooms. Plants are 2-3 feet tall and stems are perfect for flower arrangements. These abundant blue flowers will welcome plenty of...
Scabiosa Seeds - Pincushion Mix
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 90-100 days to maturity. Pincushion Scabiosa Mix is a brilliant combination of blue, black, pink, red, pale yellow, salmon rose and white flowers! Wow! We love this vibrant mixture...
Scabiosa Seeds - Salmon Rose
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 95 days to maturity. Stunning, dahlia-like blooms. Plants are 2-3 feet tall and stems are perfect for flower arrangements. These abundant, coral-pink flowers will welcome plenty of...
Scabiosa Seeds - Starflower
(Scabiosa stellata) Annual. 95 days to maturity. Starflower have an unusual papery multi-dome shape made up of many cup shaped flowers. Turning bronze when dried the flowers make a lovely...
Schisandra Seeds - Wu-wei-zi
(Schisandra chinensis) Deciduous, woody vine. Zones 5-9. Schisandra, Wu-wei is native to Northern China and has a long time history in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Schisandra berries are adaptogenic, increase apatite...
Scullcap Seeds
(Scutellaria lateriflora) Perennial. Zones 3 - 8. Scullcap is a plant with many strong medicinal properties. It’s a member of the mint family, growing 2 feet tall, with small tubular,...
Smoke Bush Seeds - Purple
(Cotinus coggygria Purpureus) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Anacardiaceae (Cashew) Family. Native to Southern Europe. A stunning shrub with purplish leaves that deepen to dark red in the Fall. Its flowers...
Snapdragon Seeds - Maxi Mix
(Antirrhinum majus) Annual. 100-115 days to flower. This Snapdragon mix is full of brightly coloured flowers in reds, pinks, and cream. Snapdragons are delightful in bouquets and always a hit...
Snapdragon Seeds - Northern Lights
(Linaria maroccana) Annual. 70-90 days. Numerous small pink, yellow, violet and white flowers on taller 20-30 inch plants. Also known as Toadflax and Spurred snapdragon. The plants are larger and...
Snowbell Tree Seeds - Japanese
(Styrax japonica) Zones 5 - 8. Deciduous. Japanese Snowbell is a wonderfully fragrant tree, reaching 20 feet in height and bearing clusters of small white flowers. We first discovered this plant...
Soapwort Seeds - Pink Beauty
(Vaccaria hispanica) Annual. 60 days to maturity. Soapwort is an old-time annual that is regaining its popularity. Pink Beauty is 2 feet tall, with woody stems and hundreds of tiny,...
Spice Bush Seeds
(Lindera benzoin) Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Anyone who loves a well stocked spice cupboard will want this incredible plant in their garden. Every part of the Spicebush is intensely aromatic! ...
Statice Seeds - Deep Rose
(Limonium sinuatum) Annual. 110-120 days to maturity. Statice, also known as Wavyleaf Sea Lavender, is an outstanding variety for both fresh and dried floral arrangements. Deep Rose Statice has deep...
Statice Seeds - Yellow
(Limonium sinuatum) Annual. 110-120 days to maturity. Statice, also known as Wavyleaf Sea Lavender, is an outstanding variety for both fresh and dried floral arrangements. Yellow Statice has soft buttery...
Stewartia Seeds - Japanese Stewartia
(Stewartia psedocamella) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Theaceae (Tea) Family. Native range—Japan. Trees can grow 20-40 feet tall and up to 30 feet wide. Its white flowers with deep yellow...
Stock Seeds - Katz Cherry Blossom
(Matthiola incana) Annual. 100 days to maturity. Katz Cherry Blossom Stocks are delicate pink, rose-like flowers, some with doubled petals. Each plant produces only one flowering stem and with flowers...
Strawflower Seeds - Apricot Peach
(Bracteantha bracteata) Annual. 75-85 days.Apricot Peach Strawflowers have everlasting blooms that range in warm shades of Peachy Apricot goodness! Their papery blooms are one of the last to tough out the...
Strawflower Seeds - Silvery Rose
(Bracteantha bracteata) Annual. 75-85 days to maturity.Silvery Rose Strawflowers are the romantics of our strawflower patch, with papery blooms that are soft and creamy, with hints of blush, rose and pink....
Strawflower Seeds - Tall Monstrosum Blend
(Bracteantha bracteata) Annual. 75-85 days. Strawflowers are the Queens of dried flowers and our Monstrosum Tall Mix offers a lovely blend of vibrant gold, magenta, pink, blush and orange. Its blooms...
Sumac Tree Seeds - Flameleaf
(Rhus copallinum) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Native range—Eastern N. America. Also known as Winged Sumac, this native variety is a great food source for birds in the Winter months....
Sumac Tree Seeds - Fragrant
(Rhus aromatica) Perennial. Zones 3 - 8. Native range—North America. Fragrant Sumac has a lovely lemon scent when its leaves are bruised. Can grow 2 - 6 feet tall, with...
Sumac Tree Seeds - Smooth
(Rhus Glabra) Perennial. Zones 3—8. Native range—North America. Smooth Sumac can grow 10 - 20 feet tall, with large compound leaves that turn beautiful shades of orange and red in...
Sumac Tree Seeds - Staghorn
(Rhus typhina) Deciduous. Zones 3 - 8. Staghorn Sumac is an exotic looking shrub that is both ornamental and wonderfully beneficial to animals and people. It is named for its...
Sunflower Seeds - Branching Sonja
(Helianthus annuus) Annual. 100 days to maturity. An incredible sunflower! 4 feet tall with many, many branching stems. Each stem will hold a sunny face, 4 inches in diameter. Great...
Sunflower Seeds - Evening Sun
(Helianthus annuus.) Annual. 75 days to maturity. Evening Sun Sunflower is a multi-headed sunflower, like Branching Sonya & Autumn Beauty. Stunning bicolours range from a mix of oranges, pinks, reds, and yellows like...
Sunflower Seeds - Lemon Queen
(Helianthus annuus) Annual. 90 days to maturity. This soft yellow sunflower grows to 6 feet and produces many flowering branches. Each flower is about 6 inches in diameter. Their unique...
Sunflower Seeds - Mammoth Grey Stripe
(Helianthus annuus) Annual. 100 days to maturity. Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflowers are huge, growing upwards of 10 feet tall with flowers that are 10-15 inches across. They bloom in the...
Sunflower Seeds - Mexican Sunflower
(Tithonia rotundifolia) Annual. 85 days to maturity. Not a true sunflower but just as nice! Native to Central America, Mexican Sunflower is a vigorous plant, bearing 3 inch deep orange...
Sunflower Seeds - Teddy Bear
(Helianthus annuus) Annual. 65-75 days to maturity. Teddy Bear Sunflowers are a family favourite! These cute and fuzzy sunflowers reach only 2 feet in height and are a great interactive...
Sweet Pea Seeds - Royalty Blend
(Lathyrus odoratus) Annual. 90 days to maturity. This regal Sweet Pea mix will certainly indulge your senses with countless colours and the most intoxicating fragrance. It’s a must have for...
Sweet William Seeds
(Dianthus barbatus) Biennial. Sweet William flowers make for a showy addition to the flower garden. The clusters of red pink and white flowers will delight you. The plants readily self seed...
Tarragon Seeds - Russian
(Artemisia dracunculoides Pursch) Perennial. Zones 2 - 9.More mild than French Tarragon in flavour but much tougher when it comes to resilience in colder climates & poor soil conditions! Tarragons...
Tulip Poplar Seeds
Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Deciduous. Zones 4 - 9. This stately tree is reaches 90-150 in height with large leaves and 2 inch, yellow, tulip-like flowers. This rare North American...
Valerian Seeds - Lubelski
Perennial. Zones 4-9. (Valeriana officinalis 'Lubelski') Perennial. Zones 4-9. Attention herbal medicine crafters, tea brewers, and magical sleep folks!'Lubelski' Valerian seeds are the best choice if you've ever wanted to grow larger and/or more potent...
Valerian Seeds - Common
(Valeriana officinalis) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9.Common Valerian Root is one of the most well known herbal sedatives. It is commonly found in calming and sleepy time teas. This is an easy...
Weigela Seeds
(Weigela florida) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle) Family. Native range—Eastern Asia. A beautiful flowering shrub, blooming in late-Spring. Full sun, tolerates partial shade. Flowers bloom on year old...
White Fringe Tree Seeds
(Chionanthus virginicus) Perennial. Zones 4 - 9. Oleaceae (Olive) Family. Native range—Southeastern USA. Beautiful flowering deciduous tree can reach 12-20 feet tall. Burst of fragrant white flowers late Spring. Requires...
Wisteria Seeds - Chinese Blue
(Wisteria sinensis 'Blue') Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. Flowering, deciduous vine. A healthy, well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many gardeners. Mature Chinese Blue wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches of fragrant,...
Wisteria Seeds - Chinese White
(Wisteria sinensis 'Alba') Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. A healthy, well established Wisteria vine is a coveted feature of many a garden. Mature Chinese Wisteria vines positively drip with long bunches of fragrant, white, sweetpea-like flowers....
Wisteria Seeds - American
(Wisteria frutescens) Perennial. Zones 5 - 9. Fabaceae (Pea) Family. Native range—Eastern USA (L48). Spring flowers are lilac purple and bloom on new wood. Vines require sturdy support in full...