Nicotiana Seeds - Aztec
(Nicotiana rustica) Annual. 90 days to maturity. Aztec Nicotiana plants have been used by Indigenous communities for their sacred medicinal and spiritual properties for centuries. These beautiful plants have buttery...
Nicotiana Seeds - Ghost Pipes
(Nicotiana sylvestris) Annual. 90 days to maturity. With masses of fragrant long tubular flowers Ghost Pipes Nicotiana gives us a spectacular show. The plants can reach five feet tall and...
Nicotiana Seeds - Grandiflora
(Nicotiana alata) Annual. 90 days to maturity.Grandiflora Nicotiana is one of the most fragrant flowers you’ll plant in your garden this summer. It has white, starry shaped blooms that glimmer at...
Pansy Seeds - Wild
(Viola arvensis) Annual Wild pansy is an easy to grow annual wildflower. Found growing throughout North and South America and all the way up to Greenland, this little gem has...
Quinoa Seeds - Cherry Vanilla
(Chenopodium quinoa) Annual. 100 days to maturity. Cherry Vanilla Quinoa is truly a multifaceted gem! Baby leaves are mild, bright and delicious in salads; tall, draping flower stalks make for...
Quinoa Seeds - French Vanilla
(Chenopodium quinoa) Annual. 100 days.Growing your own protein is a very exciting thing and French Vanilla Quinoa provides that satisfaction! It's named after its ice cream cone shaped seed heads, with blushing...
Quinoa Seeds - Oro de Valle
(Chenopodium quinoa) Annual. 100 days. Growing your own protein is a very exciting thing and Oro de Valle Quinoa provides that satisfaction! Grains typically like growing in cool and dry summer conditions,...
Scabiosa Seeds - Black Knight
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 90-100 days. Black Knight Scabiosa has been delighting onlookers since the early 1600's in England. These deep burgundy beauties are so versatile, we can't wait for you...
Scabiosa Seeds - Oxford Blue
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 95 days to maturity. Stunning, dahlia-like blooms. Plants are 2-3 feet tall and stems are perfect for flower arrangements. These abundant blue flowers will welcome plenty of...
Scabiosa Seeds - Pincushion Mix
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 90-100 days to maturity. Pincushion Scabiosa Mix is a brilliant combination of blue, black, pink, red, pale yellow, salmon rose and white flowers! Wow! We love this vibrant mixture...
Scabiosa Seeds - Salmon Rose
(Scabiosa atropurpurea) Annual. 95 days to maturity. Stunning, dahlia-like blooms. Plants are 2-3 feet tall and stems are perfect for flower arrangements. These abundant, coral-pink flowers will welcome plenty of...
Scabiosa Seeds - Starflower
(Scabiosa stellata) Annual. 95 days to maturity. Starflower have an unusual papery multi-dome shape made up of many cup shaped flowers. Turning bronze when dried the flowers make a lovely...
Snapdragon Seeds - Maxi Mix
(Antirrhinum majus) Annual. 100-115 days to flower. This Snapdragon mix is full of brightly coloured flowers in reds, pinks, and cream. Snapdragons are delightful in bouquets and always a hit...
Soapwort Seeds - Pink Beauty
(Vaccaria hispanica) Annual. 60 days to maturity. Soapwort is an old-time annual that is regaining its popularity. Pink Beauty is 2 feet tall, with woody stems and hundreds of tiny,...
Stock Seeds - Katz Cherry Blossom
(Matthiola incana) Annual. 100 days to maturity. Katz Cherry Blossom Stocks are delicate pink, rose-like flowers, some with doubled petals. Each plant produces only one flowering stem and with flowers...
Stock Seeds - Vickys Vintage Violet
(Matthiola incana) Annual. 90-105 days. Vicky’s Vintage Violet Stocks are the epitome of Stock flowers - classic, beautiful and timeless. Dancing in shades of lavender, violet and deeper purples, their frilly...
Strawflower Seeds - Apricot Peach
(Bracteantha bracteata) Annual. 75-85 days.Apricot Peach Strawflowers have everlasting blooms that range in warm shades of Peachy Apricot goodness! Their papery blooms are one of the last to tough out the...
Strawflower Seeds - Silvery Rose
(Bracteantha bracteata) Annual. 75-85 days to maturity.Silvery Rose Strawflowers are the romantics of our strawflower patch, with papery blooms that are soft and creamy, with hints of blush, rose and pink....
Strawflower Seeds - Tall Monstrosum Blend
(Bracteantha bracteata) Annual. 75-85 days. Strawflowers are the Queens of dried flowers and our Monstrosum Tall Mix offers a lovely blend of vibrant gold, magenta, pink, blush and orange. Its blooms...
Petunia Seeds - Old-Fashioned Vining Petunia
(Petunia multiflora) Annual. This lovely heirloom petunia offers a variety of colour and, unlike most modern hybrids, is wonderfully fragrant! Continual blooms range from white to deep violet and vining stems...
Statice Seeds - Garden
(Limonium sinuatum) Annual. 110-120 days. Statice is by far one of the best flowers for both fresh and dried arrangements. This Statice Garden Mix is no exception, boasting colours ranging from white,...