Maple Tree Seeds - Trident
(Acer buergerianum) Perennial. Zones 6-9.
Native to E. China, Taiwan and Japan. A beautiful deciduous tree, with green leaves that turn yellow, orange and red in the Fall. Can grow 20-35 feet tall. Leaves have three points, like a Trident. Best in full sun. Tolerates slightly acidic soil. Good for bonsai.
For best results, sow seeds outdoors in Fall. Shade, mulch and protection from rodents is needed outdoors. If starting indoors…
SEED PRETREATMENT: Soak seeds for 24 hours, start with warm water. Mix seeds with a moistened grow medium 4x seed volume. Place in a plastic bag, covered tray/cells or container.
STRATIFICATION: 90 days cold/moist (5°C). Place plastic bag with seeds and soil in your refrigerator, preferably in a veggie crisper. Check periodically for even moisture.
POST-STRATIFICATION: Sow stratified seeds 1/4” deep. Alternate soil temperature during the day (15-20°C) and night (10-15°C). Water evenly and regularly until germination.
GERMINATION: When all previously mentioned requirements are fulfilled, germination generally occurs in 60-100 days.
How To Start Your Tree Seeds
*Excited about growing Flowering Trees from seed? Learn more HERE.*
Available direct from Incredible Seeds, a Canadian Heirloom and Heritage Seed Company, offering only the best natural, non-GMO, open pollinated and untreated seeds, located in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia.