Agrimony Seeds
(Agrimonia eupatoria) Perennial. 90-130 days to maturity. Hardy in zones 5-9 Agrimony is an Old World woodland herb that part of the Rose family and is native to Europe. It is...
Butterfly Bush Seeds
(Buddleja davidii) Perennial. Zones 5-10Butterfly Bush lives up to its name, growing into a large shrub that attracts Swallowtails, Monarchs and a variety of other butterflies and hummingbirds too! Their...
Echinacea Seeds - Narrowleaf
(Echinacea angustifolia) Perennial. Hardy in zones 3-9Narrowleaf Echinacea is a beautiful cone flower with soft pink petals and an orange center, prized for both its beauty and medicinal super powers. Well-known...
Feverfew Seeds
(Tanacetum parthenium) 90-100 days. Perennial. Hardy in zones 5-9 Feverfew is a member of the daisy family, which is native to central and southern Europe. Feverfew has been naturalized in...
Geranium Seeds - Wild Cranesbill Meadow
(Geranium pratense) Perennial. 80-90 days to maturity. Hardy in zones 4-9. Cranesbill Meadow is a small, clump-forming woodland perennial, spreading through underground rhizomes. It can form dense patches that will...
Kelwayi Flower Seeds - Golden Marguerite
(Anthemis tinctoria) Perennial. Zone 4 - 8. Golden Marguerite Kelwayi, also known as Dyer's Chamomile, is a beautiful and cheerful flower, with yellow daisy-like blooms. It will add a fun punch...
Lavender Seeds - French
(Lavandula stoechas) Perennial BUT only hardy in zones 8-9. Some varieties of Lavender are too good to pass up. French Lavender, also known as Butterfly Lavender is zone hardy 8-9,...
Lavender Seeds - Hidcote Blue
(Lavandula augustifolia 'Hidcote') Perennial. Hardy in zones 4-8.Hidcote Blue Lavender is a stunning compact version of English Lavender, with silver-green foliage and dark purple blooms. It's been said that the...
Lavender Seeds - Spike
(Lavandula latifolia) Perennial BUT only hardy in zones 8-9. Spike Lavender has quite a reputation! Lavandula is the essential oil that gives Lavender most of its pleasantly fragrant qualities, and Spike Lavender has the highest...
Lilac Seeds - Japanese Tree Lilac
(Syringa reticulata) Perennial. Zones 4—9. Oleaceae (Olive) Family. Native range—Eastern Asia. Creamy white flowers with a classic lilac fragrance bloom in early Summer. Its flowers and bark are used in...
Lilac Seeds - Late 'Villous'
(Syringa villosa) Perennial. Zones 3 - 7. Oleaceae (Olive) Family. Native range—Eastern Asia. Flowers are less fragrant than other lilac varieties, but its white to pink/purple blooms are still quite...
Marshmallow Seeds
(Althaea officinalis) Cold-hardy perennial zone 5-8Marshmallow plants can stand up to 4 feet tall, with beautiful white-rose flowers. In appearance, it's closely related to Hollyhocks, but Marshmallow plants have been used as...
Milkweed Seeds - Showy
(Asclepias speciosa) Perennial Zone 3-8Showy Milkweed is more commonly found in the western half of North America; growing well along streams, dry slopes, open woodland areas, and roadsides on occasion. Showy Milkweed attracts...
Poppy Seeds - Iceland Mix
(Papaver nudicaule) Perennial. Hardy to zone 3. This fabulous, mixed poppy blend is great for Northern Gardens! Hardy, self-seeding plants offer large multi-coloured blooms, which are short live, but spectacular!...
Rosa Rugosa Rose Seeds - Pink
(Rosa rugosa) Perennial. Zones 2 - 7. Rosaceae (Rose) Family. Native range—Eastern Asia, widely naturalized in N. America. Rugosa Rose is a beautiful and fragrant flowering shrub, with pink flowers...
Weigela Seeds
(Weigela florida) Perennial. Zones 5 - 8. Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle) Family. Native range—Eastern Asia. A beautiful flowering shrub, blooming in late-Spring. Full sun, tolerates partial shade. Flowers bloom on year old...
Delphinium Seeds - Mixed Belladonna
(Delphinium belladonna) Perennial, zones 3-7. This is the hardiest and longest lived of the Delphiniums! Our Belladonna Mix produces shades ranging from white through deep blue. If planted early, you'll get...
Tea Plant Seeds
(Camellia sinensis) Evergreen. Zones 6 - 9 Tea Camellia is an evergreen shrub grown traditionally for caffeinated tea. One tea plant will yield enough delicious tea for a lifetime, as...