Amaranth Seeds - Emerald Tassels
(Amaranthus caudatus) Annual. Emerald Tassels offers a spectacular show of green flower/seed heads for your kitchen and floral arrangements. The seeds can be ground into flour or popped like popcorn...
Amaranth Seeds - Red Callaloo
(Amaranthus tricolor) Annual. 50 days to maturity. Heirloom Amaranth. Callaloo Amaranth has been a staple food in Western Africa for thousands of years. Callaloo, like so many food plants, has a...
Arugula Seeds
(Eruca sativa) 50 days to maturity. Arugula is a vigorous grower. The leaves are bright green and fresh, with a sweet pungent flavour. It has an excellent taste and is a...
Bok Choy Seeds - Prize Choy
(Brassica rapa) 45-50 days to maturity.
Prize Choy is definitely a winner!
This upright choy is delicious and bolt resistant, so you can enjoy it well into the season.
Broccoli Seeds - Raab / Rapini
(Brassica rapa) 42 days to maturity. Heirloom Rapini Seeds.Heirloom Spring Rapini Seeds are actually from the turnip family. They are a mix between broccoli and spinach, boasting a sweet nutty flavour. They are a traditional...
Cabbage Seeds - Aichi Chinese
(Brassica rapa var Pekinensis ‘Aichi’) 70 days to maturity.Aichi Chinese Cabbage is a heirloom variety from Japan. It produces a large ‘barrel-shape head’ that is compact and prefers growing in...
Cabbage Seeds - Kogane Japanese
(Brassica rapa var pekinensis) 70-80 days to maturity.Kogane Cabbage is a heirloom variety from Japan. With a distinct yellow core, this cabbage is rightfully named Kogane - the Japanese word...
Cabbage Seeds - Maruba Santoh Chinese
55 days to maturity. Maruba Santoh is a wonderful, "loose leaf" type of nappa cabbage. Very reliable, mild and easy to grow. Nice in salads, stir-fried, pickled or in soups. Available...
Chickweed Seeds
(Stellaria media) 60 days to maturity. Self-seeding annual. A wonderful, edible ground cover found wild across Turtle Island. If you do not already have a patch, plant this reliable and...
Claytonia Seeds - Miners Lettuce
(Claytonia perfoliata) Perennial. Hardy in zones 6-9Winter Purslane (also known as Miner’s Lettuce) is a succulent leafy green which loves growing in the cooler months of spring and autumn. Although...
Collards Seeds - Champion
(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) 60 days to maturity. Champion Collards are an improved strain of Vates Collards, lasting two weeks longer. Very cold hardy and can last unprotected well into...
Collards Seeds - Vates
60 days to maturity. The Vates collard is a cold hardy and productive plant. The mild, cabbage like leaves are thick and crumpled. The plants grow up to two feet...
Cress Seeds - Upland
(Barbarea verna) 50 days to maturity. Similar to watercress, but easier to grow. Upland Cress will be slow to start but once established you'll be savouring rosettes of dark green, glossy,...
Cress Seeds - Watercress
(Nasturtium officinale) 60 days to maturity. Watercress is a gourmet green and excellent in salads, sandwiches and soups. It is a semi aquatic plant and likes to grow in moist soil. It...
Endive Seeds - Belgian Witloof
(Cichorium intybus) 115 days to harvest roots. Additional 35 days for greens. *See description*Belgian Endive (Witloof Chicory) is the classic variety used for growing tangy, slightly bitter endive buds or chicons....
Endive Seeds - Broadleaf Batavian, Escarole
(Cichorium endiva) 80 days to maturity. Heirloom Endive Seeds - 1860s. Broadleaf Batavian Endive grows as a large leafed, head forming leafy green, with a mild yet slightly bitter flavour....
Endive Seeds - Red Treviso
(Cichorium endivia) 70-100 days to maturityRed Treviso Endive is a beautiful, cool loving bitter green. Its leaves start out green in the Summer, changing to a deep red once temperatures...
Endive Seeds - Très Fine Maraichère
(Cichorium envdivia var. crispum) 65 days. Très Fine, or Frisée Endive is a classic French green. It is slightly bitter, but absolutely delicious with a lemon vinaigrette. This very decorative...
Good King Henry Seeds
(Blitum bonus-henricus). 80 days. Perennial in zones 3-9. The first and last greens of the year! Good King Henry aka Lincolnshire Spinach and Fat Hen is a perennial green. The...
Kale Collection!
Grow all our most popular Kale varieties; these are selected for successful growing across Canada!Our Kale Collection contains one packet each of: Dinosaur/Lacinato, Red Russian, Dazzling Blue, Scarlet & Rainbow Lacinato kale.
Kale Seeds - Dazzling Blue Lacinato
50 days. Dazzling Blue is a wonderful lacinato kale that is cold hardy! Hooray! Bred in by Hank Keogh in Oregon, this lacinato lasts late into the Fall and can...
Kale Seeds - Lacinato / Dinosaur / Black Tuscan
65 days - Heirloom Kale Seeds –1700's. Dinosaur Heirloom Kale, which also goes by the name Black Tuscan Heirloom Kale and Lacinato Heirloom Kale, is a stunning plant with a wonderful prehistoric...
Kale Seeds - Rainbow Lacinato
(Brassica oleracea) 61 days. Rainbow Lacinato Kale is a wonderful, stabilized cross, of the much loved Lacinato Kale with super cold-hardy and gorgeous Redbor Kale. The result is a beautiful,...
Kale Seeds - Red Russian
50 days to maturity. Heirloom Kale Seeds – 1800s. Red Russian Heirloom Kale was brought to Canada in the 1800’s by Russian traders and is one of the most beautiful heirloom...
Kale Seeds - Scarlet
50 days. Scarlet Kale is a beautiful plant! Architectural in the flower garden and lovely on the plate! Firm and frilly leaves vary from greenish-red to deep violet and are...
Kale Seeds - Vates Blue Curled
50-80 days - Heirloom Kale Seeds. This Scottish type of heirloom kale is a dwarf variety which grows low, reaching 14 inches tall and up to 24 inches wide. Vates Blue Curled...
Kale Seeds - White Russian
55 days. White Russian Kale is a Siberian type of Kale that is very cold tolerant Its leaves are only slightly frilled. Tolerates both heat and cold extremely well. Excellent...
Kenikir Greens Seeds
(Cosmos sulphureus) Annual. 60 days to maturity. Kenikir is a favourite of Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. Young shoots can be eaten raw, or added to your smoothies. Leaves are used...
Lambs Lettuce Seeds - Corn Salad, Mache
(Valerianella locusta) 50 days. Lambs Lettuce also know as Corn Salad, Mâche, Feldsalat, Ackersalat and Rapunzelsalat. is a widely adapted green that can be planted out very early in spring. Disease resistant, it's...
Lettuce Seeds - Amish Deer Tongue
45 days (baby leaf 30 days). An outstanding and unique variety, Amish Deer Tongue has triangular leaves are packed with great taste and wonderful texture. Its visual appearance and strong...
Lettuce Seeds - Black Seeded Simpson
50 days to maturity. Heirloom Lettuce Seeds – 1850. Black Seeded Simpson Heirloom Lettuce is an early producer, and one of the best early heirloom lettuces. A loose leaf variety, the light green...
Lettuce Seeds - Blushed Butter Cos
(Lactuca sativa) 45 days to maturity. Blushed Butter Cos Lettuce shows off the best of both a romaine and butter head variety. It has ruffled pink-green leaves that are juicy, buttery and...
Lettuce Seeds - Bronze Arrow Head
40-50 days. Bronze Arrowhead Heirloom Lettuce is a sweet and crispy green, perfect for fruity salads (we enjoyed mandarins, almonds & cranberries). Flavour holds exceptionally well; mid to end of July when...
Lettuce Seeds - Buttercrunch
67 days - A butterhead type of lettuce that combines nice texture and great flavour. Buttercrunch Lettuce has heads which are a compact rosette surrounded by loose green leaves which are soft and...
Lettuce Seeds - Emerald Oak
(Lactuca sativa) 60 days to maturity.Emerald Oak Lettuce offers perfect salad sized leaves, both from early growth to mature heads. This is an open pollinated variety, created from the cross of...
Lettuce Seeds - Forellenschluss
56 days - Heirloom Lettuce Seeds – 1793. Forellenschluss Heirloom Lettuce is also known as Freckles and Black Trout. A winner of numerous lettuce competitions, Forellenschluss is a gorgeous romaine having deep...
Lettuce Seeds - Great Lakes
75 days - Heirloom Lettuce Seeds – 1944. Great Lakes Heirloom Lettuce produces a large crisp iceberg type head. Excellent flavour makes this perfect for salads and sandwiches. Sow the seeds...
Lettuce Seeds - Green Salad Bowl
60 days - Green Salad Bowl Lettuce has large rosettes of light green oak cut leaves. Perfect for salads, this variety has excellent flavour and grows quickly in cool weather. Originally released in...
Lettuce Seeds - Joker
(Lactuca sativa) 55 days to maturityJoker Lettuce is as beautiful as a painting, no joke! Its leaves are a light green that have splashes of pink and smatterings of red. ...
Lettuce Seeds - Little Gem
(Lactuca sativa) 50 days. Romaine. Little Gem is just that, a little gem of a Romaine! Tiny head are seemingly delicate but just as crisp. as any larger romaine lettuce....
Lettuce Seeds - Mayan Jaguar
(Lactuca sativa) 51 days to maturity. Jaguar Lettuce won't bite, but it lives up to its fierce name, with bold maroon spots on dark green leaves. It's classically crispy Romaine leaves,...
Lettuce Seeds - Merveille de Quatre Saisons
48 days. Merveille de Quatre Saisons lives true to its name. Don't speak French? "The Four-Season Wonder"! This crinkly, French butterhead dates back to the mid-1800s. Its blushed leaves are...
Lettuce Seeds - Outredgeous
(Lactuca sativa) 35 days (leaves), 55 days (full size head) Outredgeous Lettuce has one of the reddest leaves you'll ever see! Their slightly frilly leaves, bright vibrant colour and sweet...
Lettuce Seeds - Parris Island Cos
65 days - Heirloom Lettuce Seeds - 1868. Parris Island Cos Heirloom Lettuce has tender, crisp leaves and disease resistance which make it one of the most popular romaine lettuces today....
Lettuce Seeds - Red Iceberg
70-80 days. One of our favourites of 2013! You know that disappointing “crunchy water” flavour of store bought icebergs? You’ll never go back after this wonderfully flavourful lettuce! Red Iceberg Heirloom...
Lettuce Seeds - Red Romaine
70 days. A great way to add colour to your salads & your garden! Red Romaine Heirloom Lettuce is crunchy and flavour-rich. This romaine boasts blushed inner leaves, set in a bed...
Lettuce Seeds - Red Salad Bowl
50 days - Red Salad Bowl Lettuce has rich, deep red, tender leaves with a sweet flavour. These oak leaf type lettuce heads are slow bolting and perfect for a bright and colourful...
Lettuce Seeds - Rouge d'Hiver
65 days. Heirloom Lettuce Seeds - 1885. Rouge d'Hiver Heirloom Lettuce is striking, with its smooth green leaves being overlaid with a dark red-brown. A unique Romaine, it's very easy to...